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In the current contemporary era, every information exchanged between humans can be considered as a form of communication, even the simplest forms of bacteria do communicate. First thought a human could conjure up in his head when interacting with another person or a group is exchanging information through several systems of language. Early communication has become the most important part of our lives since apes invented patterns of body gestures and sound shapes. It seems that value in a person can only be expressed through communication. People may often think that their are striving for perfection in work skills; however, everything a man does, somehow, comes out in a form of communication. A variety of non-verbal communications can be recognized through a pianist playing his instrument; every ordinary person can acknowledge his information in virtue of body gestures and the sound of music. As Arthur Rubinstein said, "music is a language."
Peeping Communication
The origin of the known concept of communication will perhaps remain forever obscure. Even though historians all around the world know that spoken languages existed long before writings; there is no way in determining the exact date of the first invention. Talking about developments of the traditional communication; today's technology make two-century-ago's impossible wishes available to almost every part of the world. For a long period of years, people had struggled to overcome the barrier of communication. It was impossible to deliver voice instant messages from an Hawaiian island to another back then in the sixteenth century. Not until the invention of telegraph in the 1800s when an American Joseph Henry demonstrated the potential of electromagnet for a one-mile cable running across a field to ring a bell. Signal is a form of non-verbal communication; Henry used this knowledge to communicate with his partner over a mile away. In the modern era, the Internet excelled human's abilities to convey information
more effectively and in a wider area; the Internet replaced the importance of printing press which is to mass producing and spread ideas.
Research proved that the majority of our daily communication is about eighty-percent non-verbal and another twenty-percent is verbal. Sight makes up 83% of the impact on the BRAIN of information; this includes body gesture, facial expression, and clothing. One of the most effective visual types of communication is the info-graphic. Information Graphics are representations of information, data, or image visually. These graphics present complex ideas and information quickly and effectively, an example is shown to the top of this blog. The development of info-graphics helps scientists and statisticians in all-known fields to analyze and communicate concepts and complex explanations using a single symbol or so-called variable. Traffic signs and public symbols rely heavily on info-graphics; other manual make extensive uses of diagrams, icons, and emoticons. Newspapers work with designers from the beginning to build and picture on a page so that it informs and engages most readers.
Nonetheless, all communications are intended to pass on information to a different group of people in the next generation. Without a written form of communication, it would take a novice in finance field to learn the whole concept of his career than to study a life-time story and cases from ones of the most successful financial entrepreneurs. Communication is the key factor of any organization from an infamous local alchemist to the professional group of chemists. Technology will still continue to bring people out globally and will have a greater impact on information industry in the coming future.
Group Project
Our infographic might not look too professional, but we did spend numerous hours on this assignment. I believe that information on this visual will provide at least provide some benefits for those who seek to see the level of cooperation of tenth graders. I believe not only this graphic will improve the members' abilities to search of information but also how to deliver and convey these facts to the online-world. Sharing this infographic to the public is quite a challenge since it involves several members who whose working style are different. Challenges that we, together, had faced are the compatibility of each person's perspective about the subject and how to deal with bringing all members into the same-right track. When spent more than half of our time before the deadline planning on how to represent the subject in the form of this newly introduced type of communication. After the work, I am certain that all of us the members learned to cooperate with different people and learn this how to work as a team more effectively than we ever had. Procedure we dealt with are listed as:
1. Planning on the format
2. Written ideas of the infographic
3. Draft of some very simple but powerful text (at the best level that each person can handle)
4. Art division drawing pictures and making charts according to the information we had
5. Try several visual maker (both online and offline)
6. Adapting and correcting the infographic to the last minute
I think making this infographic is not a waste of time at all; on the other hands, it improves not only our grades but also the skills in real life working EXPERIENCES.
In the current contemporary era, every information exchanged between humans can be considered as a form of communication, even the simplest forms of bacteria do communicate. First thought a human could conjure up in his head when interacting with another person or a group is exchanging information through several systems of language. Early communication has become the most important part of our lives since apes invented patterns of body gestures and sound shapes. It seems that value in a person can only be expressed through communication. People may often think that their are striving for perfection in work skills; however, everything a man does, somehow, comes out in a form of communication. A variety of non-verbal communications can be recognized through a pianist playing his instrument; every ordinary person can acknowledge his information in virtue of body gestures and the sound of music. As Arthur Rubinstein said, "music is a language."
Peeping Communication

more effectively and in a wider area; the Internet replaced the importance of printing press which is to mass producing and spread ideas.
Research proved that the majority of our daily communication is about eighty-percent non-verbal and another twenty-percent is verbal. Sight makes up 83% of the impact on the BRAIN of information; this includes body gesture, facial expression, and clothing. One of the most effective visual types of communication is the info-graphic. Information Graphics are representations of information, data, or image visually. These graphics present complex ideas and information quickly and effectively, an example is shown to the top of this blog. The development of info-graphics helps scientists and statisticians in all-known fields to analyze and communicate concepts and complex explanations using a single symbol or so-called variable. Traffic signs and public symbols rely heavily on info-graphics; other manual make extensive uses of diagrams, icons, and emoticons. Newspapers work with designers from the beginning to build and picture on a page so that it informs and engages most readers.
Nonetheless, all communications are intended to pass on information to a different group of people in the next generation. Without a written form of communication, it would take a novice in finance field to learn the whole concept of his career than to study a life-time story and cases from ones of the most successful financial entrepreneurs. Communication is the key factor of any organization from an infamous local alchemist to the professional group of chemists. Technology will still continue to bring people out globally and will have a greater impact on information industry in the coming future.
Group Project
Our infographic might not look too professional, but we did spend numerous hours on this assignment. I believe that information on this visual will provide at least provide some benefits for those who seek to see the level of cooperation of tenth graders. I believe not only this graphic will improve the members' abilities to search of information but also how to deliver and convey these facts to the online-world. Sharing this infographic to the public is quite a challenge since it involves several members who whose working style are different. Challenges that we, together, had faced are the compatibility of each person's perspective about the subject and how to deal with bringing all members into the same-right track. When spent more than half of our time before the deadline planning on how to represent the subject in the form of this newly introduced type of communication. After the work, I am certain that all of us the members learned to cooperate with different people and learn this how to work as a team more effectively than we ever had. Procedure we dealt with are listed as:
1. Planning on the format
2. Written ideas of the infographic
3. Draft of some very simple but powerful text (at the best level that each person can handle)
4. Art division drawing pictures and making charts according to the information we had
5. Try several visual maker (both online and offline)
6. Adapting and correcting the infographic to the last minute
I think making this infographic is not a waste of time at all; on the other hands, it improves not only our grades but also the skills in real life working EXPERIENCES.
Nice video about the future of communication.